17 Blazing and Passionate facts about The Ghost Rider!!!

Friday, October 16, 2015 , , 1 Comments

The Flaming Skeleton__Ghost Rider 

The most Supernatural hero of all time is Ghost Rider.It was Johnny Blaze who got bound with the spirit of Zarathos.Zarathos was a very powerful demon but got tricked by Mephisto into being enslaved into mortal forms.The  spirit of Johnny Blaze and demon Zarathos is called The Ghost Rider.

The first superhero Ghost Rider a.k.a johnny Blaze debuted in Marvel  
spotlight#5 in August1972.He was created by writer 

and editor Roy Thomas, writer Gary Friedrich, and artist Mike Ploog.

Now,Ghost Rider wanders around looking for punishing those who are evil.The ablaze being is although , not thought of as much but is actually more powerful than anyone can imagine.However,most people already know that.So, without further chit chat , here are some facts which you may not know.

1)His actual real name is Johnathon "Johnny" Blaze.He was a stunt rider and he is the most significant Ghost Rider of all.

2)Not known to many people that Ghost Rider does not only has two personalities i.e Johnny Blaze and Zarathos but, this is wrong.He has about five different alternate personalities.Johnny Blaze from the Western Comics is, however, the most important of them.

3)He is the second Marvel character to use the name Ghost Rider,following 

the Western comics hero is later known as Phantom Rider with no relation.

4)Other Ghost Riders have all used different items for their transportation.These included horses,muscle cars,planes,trucks and even an Elephant has been used by one Ghost Rider(imagine what that must have looked like!!).

5)Johnny Blaze doesn't just burn his skin and everything to become The Ghost Rider but, his skeleton  actually gets a lot different too.
His height increases from  5'10" to 6'2" and also his weight increases from  180 lbs to 220 lbs.

6)The Ghost Riders Bike is not your everyday flaming bike but also does a lot of good stuff.It goes up with the speed of the thrown Mjolnir (Thor's Hammer) .It can defy Laws of Physics thoroughly.It can travel into other dimensions.It can even fly.Travel on buildings,yeah but also, on water.(Pretty Cool,huh?)

7)Johnny Blaze tried becoming an actor but failed and went on doing what stunt riders do,Stunts.

8)Ghost Rider can Sustain all kinds of physical damage done to him.No weapon can hurt him unless the weapon itself is forged in Heaven.

9)Ghost Rider has limitless stamina because his mystical energy prevents the muscles from producing any kind of fatigue toxins during the hardest(crucial) physical activities.(He has no muscles but,to explain how normal body works).

10)Daniel Ketch(The Brother of  Johnny Blaze) was Ghost Rider for a little while .Johnny used to wander on his mystical bike with a shotgun which(both Shotgun & Bike) got powers by getting exposed by Daniel Ketch's Hellfire.

11)Ghost Rider ,if takes damage from heavenly forged weapons , can regenerate his limbs or even his skull in seconds without any kind of pain.Seriously,I thought only Deadpool could do that.But,Deadpool has more than just a skeleton.

12)Ghost Riders' perhaps most useful ability is Hellfire. In this, he releases an Ethereal and supernatural flame that burns the soul and can also be used as a common flame to do physical damage.

He can manipulate it at will and make explosions or his bike.Ghost Rider can generate this Hellfire from his eyes,hands,mouth or his weapons if he feels like it.

13)He has been  recently using a mystical chain made out of Hellfire which can be changed or molded and  can even
travel to long distances .He can grip enemies without fail. He can call out this chain from his mouth or even his chest.

14)Johnny  Blaze usually changes at night  but, he can also change on will.He will also automatically change  in the presence of evil or when innocent blood is spilled around him.

15)Once, Ghost Rider fought with the mysterious Doctor Strange because he thought that he was Lucifer in disguise.He ended up killing him.After coming to know about the truth,he tried to resurrect him but, to no avail.

16) Penance  Stare is perhaps the strongest power of Ghost Rider.It is  a very good ability.It even brought Galactus to his knees. Punisher was the  person who did not get 
affected by it as he regretted nothing and this stunned Ghost Rider.Zodiac, Venom, and  Deadpool were also not affected that much by it.

17)Ghost Rider can increase his body size in his battles.This has been seen in his battle against Thor.This ability makes him a more powerful hero.

Ghost Rider is one of the very few Heroes who is very difficult to comprehend.His powers vary too much.As the evil requires it,he changes.

Ghost Rider actually possesses Infinite Strength.It was said by Doctor Strange himself in his battle against The Hulk.Also,the only way, Ghost Rider is defeated is due to his Human built-in Switch which forces the demon inside him to stop.

Here were my 17 facts and do tell me  about how did you liked them or were you stunned with some of them or not.Also,tell about some more of the Heroes ,you guys want to see some passionate facts about.

Socrates Random Notes

Some say he’s half Superhero fanatic half Otaku, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s an honest guy.

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