Review for Anime Series "Naruto"

My Review for Anime Series "Naruto"

Naruto is like the most popular anime show.Every other person who has not begun watching anime or reading the manga would have definitely heard about this show and they end up watching it as their first show too.

Thus,the need for a review so if you are wondering whether or not you should dig into it,just read the following and it might help you.

To sum up the general trend of Naruto it is rather easy to say that all of those guys who just want to watch their first anime tend to like this show and for all the good reasons to which I will give later.
But,for those who have even a little bit of exposure with Animes like One Piece or Death Note,would not give it as much credit as it gets.
That's just the way it is and it is not because Naruto is bad but just that there are other shows too and Naruto may necessarily be not at the top for them.


Naruto has a unique theme and it follows in a world where there are many different villages in which ninjas (Shinobis) exist.Shinobis are pretty much like an army for their villages.The show is based around Naruto whose dream is to become the leader of his village known as Hokage but to do that he must become stronger than all.The show follows around his missions with his friends and their battles in which of which they come up with different strategies and tricks to win.

That is  a unique thing about this show that it does not just rely on brute strength or speed but also on some pretty cool tricks or as they call it different Jutsu.They never let you get bored and also keep you guessing.

If that is not enough to quench your thirst then our protagonist also has the power of a demonic wolf inside of him granting him different perks and challenges in his life as well.

These things do make the show pretty damn good and exciting So you should definitely give it a try.Moreover,the story is fun to follow and the show is at an end so you don't have to wait like you have with One Piece.

Why Shouldn't You Watch it?
I would start by saying that in Naruto (not Naruto Shippuden),the whole thing you get after watching about 50 or so episodes is that this show is about two things only:

1)Naruto making a fool out of himself even though he is the protagonist.

2)Naruto's friends saving the day.
I mean literally,if I had to name the show on the basis of these episodes,I would call it "Sasuke & his friends" or "The Village Clown_Naruto" instead of "Naruto".Sasuke is a friend of Naruto and gets this,the girl that Naruto has a crush on Sakura, literally pushes Naruto away and not only that but also asks him to bring her dear Sasuke to her.I guess it just shows Naruto's character and all but seriously! who does that to the main guy?
But,the show gets better as we endure through it.Think of it like the literal journey of Naruto Uzumaki from zero to hero.

You will definitely grow a liking for this show and are guaranteed to be hooked after a while.
So,yeah! there aren't many reasons for you to not watch it as much there are for you to definitely start it.

Other than that,the anime is fun to watch and You should definitely give it a shot and by a shot, I mean watching at least 100 episodes. 
Things only get much better in Naruto Shippuden!!!

Thanks for reading.Hope you find something useful and are going to make a better decision now.
Also,which anime is better:One Piece or Naruto?
Why that one?

Socrates Random Notes

Some say he’s half Superhero fanatic half Otaku, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s an honest guy.