Why we Love Captain America

Captain America

Why we Love Captain America

Friday, October 07, 2016-Socrates Random Notes

God's Righteous Man "Captain America" God's Righteous Man Captain America is the symbol of justice and a leading icon in Marvel. Steve Rogers or better known as Captain America is known to each and every Superhero fan and not only that but he is also held in high regards.The reason is not the facts that he is really old and has been around for quite some time but a simple fact that he is quite unique in his...

Top 5 sites to watch free Anime


Top 5 sites to watch free Anime

Friday, September 30, 2016-Socrates Random Notes

Top 5 websites to watch free Anime: Top 5 Anime Websites With millions of people watching anime from all around the world,the most common problem they might face is simply finding a place where they can enjoy watching free anime.Although with the growing number of Anime lovers,anime related sites are also increasing but here we will list the top 5 websites from where you can  enjoy watching your favorite show without any trouble. All of these sites are...

Top 17 characters from One Piece!


Top 17 characters from One Piece!

Saturday, September 24, 2016-Socrates Random Notes

Coolest/Strongest Characters from "One Piece" Top 17 Charaters fromOne Piece One Piece is the single most popular anime that is airing to this day,every week since 1999 and has about 800+ episodes already out. As the story has progressed and grasped the attention of everyone from children to adults, many awesome characters were introduced and the amazing world building in this anime is a genuine work of art. While we have been enjoying the awesome journey of our...